altar of sins
by Matthew DeLaRocha
matthew delarocha…
I have been involved in art on and off since I was a kid. There was no influential artist, eye catching movie poster or anything like that to which spurred my interest in art; I believe it has always just been in my nature to create. I've always been drawn to nature, fantasy, tattoos, human behavior and things out of the ordinary which reflects in my work. I like being efficient and trying new things so my mediums range from inking, painting, watercolor and even to digital art.
My time studying at UNT for my BFA in studio art allowed me to further my techniques and style which came into play upon returning to art after a long hiatus to pursue other interests.
Whether it is a t-shirt design, band logo, custom painting or a daily doodle, the passion and need to create is the driving motivation for me to make art.